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My Season Will Come

  Imagine wandering in the wilderness, lost in sin and error, and then receiving a promise from the Lord that one day, a Savior would come into the world through your lineage and rescue you from the depravity that this world has enslaved you to and reconcile you with the one true God.   Imagine […]

Faith Watered Down to Water Bottles

  A common turn of phrase is that “faith without works is dead,” it is also written in the Holy Bible. But did you also know that in Ephesians 2:8— “For by grace you have been saved through faith and not that of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone […]


  It is a well-known and unfortunate fact of life that the Church is seriously fragmented. We see the branches of Christianity—Protestant (Evangelical and Mainline), Catholic (the Latin Church and others), the Orthodox Church (including the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches and the Assyrian Church of the East), and the Anglican Church. Within all these […]

Live Like Christ, Even in the Face of Opposition

  My whole life I have been a people-pleaser. I just wanted to get along with everyone and have everyone like me. I knew that I had good intentions and that my heart was in the right place (and so does God). Unfortunately, not everyone saw that. Of course it’s impossible to please everyone and […]


  Despite the claims of some, as far back as the first-century Church and the Ante-Nicene Fathers there has been a belief in the Rapture, the catching away of faithful Christians before the seven-year Tribulation begins. I will not discuss that in this blog. Details can be found in the Remnant Bible Study here on […]

Knowing the Heart of God

  For thousands of years, the Israelites long waited for the promised Savior that they were desperate for, but when He finally arrived, they nailed Him to a cross. The ones who resisted God and rejected their Messiah were very knowledgeable in the Mosaic law and religious traditions. But they did not know God’s heart. […]

Eyes are Windows to the Soul Pt 2

  Are ghosts real? Certainly, but there are not separate from good/bad spirits such as angels/demons. Ghosts are not loved ones visiting to comfort us, nor are they the spirits of people that died with unfinished business. There is no in between, there is only the Holy Spirit and angels, and demonic spirits that can […]


  It may be cliché to say that “There is no ‘i’ in ‘Team’,” but it is true and not just in the word. A team, be it a married couple, a sports ballclub, a company store, or whatever else, is not supposed to be everyone for themselves but instead everyone working together. That is […]

Divide The Cure from The Poison

  Sanctification is defined in more than one way: in the Old Testament it means to make sacred; consecrate. In the New Testament it is described as a transformation and purification, a process in which we become more Christ-like. When we get saved, most of us are or have been taught that the “fruits of […]

Eyes are Windows to the Soul Pt. 1

  You may have heard of entertaining angels, but have you ever heard of entertaining spirits? In the Bible, they are called “familiar spirits.” In Leviticus 20:6 God declares: “And the person who turns to mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set My face against that person and cut him […]


  A look at today’s cultural and political landscape in the United States reveals that we are a nation divided. In reality we are a nation in decline. For too long, people have rejected Biblical morality and ethics in favor of their own sexual liberation, their manipulation of others, their greed and ambition, and many […]


    Before this question is answered, you must understand the makeup of each human being. We know from the Bible that man is created in God’s own image (Genesis 1:26-27). What does this mean? Just as God is a triune Being, so we also are triune in nature. We have God the Father, God […]

Joy vs. Happiness: What God Taught Me When I Moved to a New City

  One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is joy. (Galatians 5:22). Joy is a gift that we are given when we are in Christ. We can carry it around with us no matter where we go or what our circumstances are. Joy gives us the freedom to not be controlled by our surroundings […]

Dying to Ourselves

  The absence of pride can lead to a humble surrender to the Almighty God. Dying to ourselves means giving up our selfish desires and giving God permission to mold us like clay, He is the potter, and we are the clay vessel, but we need to be willing for a change to come.   […]


  One of the few positive changes in the modern Church is the switch over to more casual clothing. However, a number of churches and denominations can still be found where the people are wearing their “Sunday best” to church. Men wearing three-piece suits—and often boys, too. Women and girls wearing beautiful dresses and sometimes […]

Do Demons Discuss their Schemes?

    Many people have witnessed exorcisms on video or in-person, but do demons speak to the preachers delivering the individual? The answer is yes, they absolutely can, and they will if commanded to in the name of Jesus Christ. I myself have witnessed it and been subject to deliverance and had demons cast out […]


Proverbs 28:1:  The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. In the Scripture passage above, what we see described is godly boldness. What does “bold” mean anyway? Here, the boldness described is the kind derived from having trust in God and a conscience void of offense. There is […]

I’m Not a Strong Woman, and That is Okay

  We live in a world where we (including Christians) all boast about how strong we are, but we don’t realize that we truly have nothing to boast about. True strength is not something that can be taught, it cannot be modeled, it cannot be acquired on our own abilities; strength comes from nowhere else […]

Do Not Cling to Loss

  I am mother of two, once cursed with miscarriages in between each success. I have lost a child three times but gained two beautiful daughters. When women talk about this subject expect tears or bitterness. The loss of a child to a woman is like losing a part of who she is, it is […]


Psalm 119:105:  Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. When it is nighttime and for some reason you need to go outside to have a look at something, you want a source of light handy, such as a front or a back light on the house, a streetlight, […]