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My Season Will Come


Imagine wandering in the wilderness, lost in sin and error, and then receiving a promise from the Lord that one day, a Savior would come into the world through your lineage and rescue you from the depravity that this world has enslaved you to and reconcile you with the one true God.


Imagine that with every passing decade, generation, and century, that is filled with even more tests, trials, tribulations, and enslavement, and still not yet seeing that promise materialize.


You could imagine that the Israelites probably experienced a lot of doubt if what God had promised was true. They might have even resented God for not manifesting the fulfillment of His promise sooner than what He did. Many of them believed that God had forgotten what He had promised.


I have cried out to God so many times, “Lord, why can’t you just do this right now?! You could save this person, marry me, bring me my future child at the snap of your fingers! So why don’t you do it?!”


I soon thereafter heard the verse in this song titled “Season” by Hillsong worship:

“For you are the God of greatness, even in a manger.

If all I know of seasons is that you take your time, you could have saved us in a second. But instead you sent a child.”



During the Christmas season, I’m reminded of the longing and desperation that the Israelites were experiencing as they anxiously waited in anticipation for their Savior to come. And the joy and relief that they must have felt when their longing and yearning for redemption was finally fulfilled. God could have saved the nation of Israel in a second, but He had a better plan. Although the Lord could answer my prayers in a second, He too, has a better plan.


The long wait only means that God is not done working and that His plan is exceedingly better than our instant gratification. There is purpose in God taking His time. He is not slow in keeping His promise like we think He is, He is perfecting every detail for His glory and our good. Christmas is more than just our Savior’s observed birthday, but the celebration of a desperate longing satisfied and a promise fulfilled. Just like Christ came as a baby in a manger at the appointed season, I too, know that my season will come.


“With the Lord a thousand years is like a day and a day is like a thousand years. The Lord is not slow at keep His promise as may some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:8-10


“Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’” Matthew 1:23




2 Responses

  1. God’s timing may not always be what we want it to be, but it’s always perfect.