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Abide in Him

  Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does […]

30 Years Young for Ministry

  My 20s have come to an end recently, and unlike many I do not dread getting older, in fact I find as I age, I am maturing more in spirit. My birthday on this earth may be the day I was born in 1992. But The anniversary of my salvation is age 17, when […]


  A lot of times, life does not make sense.  When a seemingly pointless tragedy happens it can be hard if not impossible to understand.  Case in point:  In July 2021 I lost an 18-year-old relative to gunfire.  Taylor was a good, hardworking young Christian man just getting started in life, yet in his prime […]

2022 Look Back and Hope for 2023

Well, it’s 2023. I think we should all pat ourselves on the back and thank God for helping us survive another year. Has 2022 been easy? It depends on the individual. I know many people have lost loved ones and went through all sorts of personal turmoil. Have there been blessings? I hope so for […]

Christian Warriors

  Saint Patrick himself was a saint, a warrior who was called and used by God to bring the good news of the gospel to all those who believed. The spirit of God was able to perform a lot of miracle signs and wonders through Saint Patrick’s willing vessel. After his death, Ireland carried onto […]

A Tale of Two Spirits: Jezebel or Ruth?

  Men, which one of these spirits are you looking for? Women, which one of these spirits do you seek to embody?  Jezebel was one of the most infamous and most wicked women in Biblical history, whereas Ruth was one of the most God-fearing women and highly favored for her obedience and love for the […]

(Mindless) Self Indulgence

  Dissipation is a word that describes an excess or waste, but biblically is used to describe dissolute lifestyles. There is a life of disorderly conduct such as “wild parties,” and there is a wasteful (life of luxury) which as Christians we are taught to avoid living like either. 1 Peter 4:1-3 teaches– “Therefore, since […]


  Not long ago I wrote a blog on whether or not salvation was by works.  Of course, it is by faith.  Our works give evidence of our salvation.  They are incapable of producing or maintaining it.  However, in addition to the fact that there are preachers and parishioners out there who make it sound […]


  When people argue or otherwise have issues with each other and then resolve the problem, things often go back to normal.  In the future, however, when there is another dispute, sometimes one party will bring up what the other did the last time or even a long time ago.  They may do this to […]

All Hell Breaks Loose

  Once you decide to change all hell breaks loose. Once your mind is made up heaven is full of joy. Once you’re tired of doing the same thing every day, people start to all of a sudden change on you. The same clubs, the same events, the same parties, same thing nothing new. Everyday […]

A Biblical Approach to the Black Lives Matter Movement

  Racism is sin. Racism offends God’s creation. Currently, America has been experiencing a battle of the races between black people and white people, particularly between white cops and black civilians for many years. But this problem is not rooted in whiteness, it is rooted in sin. God’s Word shows us that racism has been […]

The Laying of Healing Hands

  In Hebrew, “Samak” is the word used to define the laying on of hands, but it directly translates into “to prop/rest” in the context of being a support to someone. In the Old Testament, the laying on of hands was necessary to impart spiritual blessings such as healing or anointing of the Holy Spirit. […]


  There are a lot of things which come against us over the course of our lives. Against the lost and the saved alike come the pressures of living, the threat of disease, the effects of aging, and many other things. One common denominator throughout the history of mankind has been fear. People have always […]

These Prophetic Times – Article 2 – The Breaking of the Paradigm

Depending on where you live and what your background is, each of you reading this article is carrying in your mind a particular view of the world, a paradigm of how you believe the world is, how things are in life. Well, no matter what your paradigm of the world is, it will soon be […]


  Many people, at least among the older and middle-aged, know about the account of Jonah being swallowed by a big fish or whale and spending three days in its belly.  Fewer know how he came to be there in the first place or what happened afterwards.  God had told Jonah to go to the […]

The Prodigal Son

  When people hear the Bible, they immediately envision a book with an extensive list of rules numbered 1-100,000 from Genesis to Revelation. Many believe the Bible to be a book that you must sit at the table to be forced to read till death do us apart. Almost like a married couple who had […]

The Living Shamrock: The Mystery of the Holy Trinity

Everyone knows what a shamrock is. But does everyone know what those three leaves represent? Did you know that it is tied to Christian traditions and Biblical teachings? I found out very recently that Saint Patrick used this emblem to illustrate the concept of the Trinity when sharing the Gospel with the Irish in the […]


Imagine this for a moment.  It’s your birthday.  The entire World is busy decorating, planning, cooking, buying with a hurried sense of expectancy; overly eager to celebrate the day in which you were born.  Billions upon billions of families take extra special care to get the lights on the house, the yard decorated just right, […]


Throughout much of Church history, believers have had the mistaken idea that they have to force the lost to convert to Christianity.  The emperor Charlemagne, for example, who lived from the 740’s to 814 AD, would have pagans executed if they did not convert to the faith. [1]  Although the purposes of the Roman Catholic […]

Remembrance Day

  John 15:13 states: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”(NRSV)[1]   On November 11, (Canadian version of Veterans Day for our US readers), Canadians will be celebrating Remembrance Day. It is the day we remember our fallen soldiers and the past and present, veterans who protected […]