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A Biblical Approach to the Black Lives Matter Movement


Racism is sin. Racism offends God’s creation. Currently, America has been experiencing a battle of the races between black people and white people, particularly between white cops and black civilians for many years. But this problem is not rooted in whiteness, it is rooted in sin. God’s Word shows us that racism has been a problem since the dawn of time. There has been a power struggle between the Egyptians and the Israelites in the Old Testament and between the Jews and the Samaritans in the New Testament, and that is just a couple of Biblical examples. There are plenty of scriptures to refer to for support that racism is a sin and has no place in God’s plan. God is an impartial God, and we were all made in His image. (Deut. 10:17; Romans 10:11). God is the creator of all different colors, races, and ethnicities and takes much pride and joy in His creation. We are all loved by Jesus, and He died for all of us. Since God shows no partiality to anyone of any particular color or race, His people should not either. Why would God give us a reason to hate particular people for the color of their skin– the people that He made on purpose, for a purpose? 



What Can Christians Do About It?


It’s obvious that racism is wrong. We were all taught, Christians and non-Christians alike, that it is wrong to hate a group of people for the color of the skin. The problems and the injustice that the black community has suffered from for centuries and is still suffering from today should not be unnoticed by us. Seeing acts of racism should anger us. We cannot afford to be complicit to it. We should be convicted to be a voice to the ones that are oppressed. As a white person, it is hard for me to understand and relate to their problems. It has been easy for me to chalk up police brutality and racial profiling as being overblown by the media and not a real problem, since I have not experienced it myself. But as Christ followers, we are commanded to be the hands and feet of Christ by elevating others’ needs over our own and ourselves. (Philippians 2:3).


We are called to share in each other’s sufferings and humbly open our hearts to their struggles, even when we do not understand how they feel. Christians (of all races and colors) should be actively trying to bridge the racial barrier that has separated us in the body of Christ. If you are not a black person, be willing to have uncomfortable conversations with a black person and hear their perspective of the life experiences that they have had because of the color of their skin. (Likewise, if you are a black person, open your heart up and let your guard down when speaking to a white person. You might have been hurt by white people before but be led by the Holy Spirit to fellowship with white people, don’t be deterred by their color.) Let the love of Jesus shine and radiate through you. Remind those that have suffered racism that even though they feel unnoticed by many in this world that they are not unnoticed by God. Remind them that they were created in God’s image and that He gave them their color on purpose and for a purpose. Remind them that their life matters to you and that their life matters to the Most High God. 


More importantly, the biggest and most powerful thing that Christians can do is to PRAY. We need to pray for the black community. We need to pray for the ones who have experienced racism and oppression and judgement. We also need to pray for the oppressors. The most important thing to remember about racism is that since it is a sin issue, that makes it a heart issue. Even if we dismantle any alleged racist system that we have, nothing will change if the hearts of men do not change. And hearts of men can only be changed by God. We do not have the power to change anyone’s heart. There is a time when God calls us to move and to be active and there is a time when we need to just pray and let God be God so He can fix the things that we do not have the power to fix. 



Be Angry… But Don’t Sin (Ephesians 4:26


The sin in America has bred even more sin. People are angry- both blacks and non-blacks- for the injustice that continues to sweep the nation. This anger has taken root in people’s souls and triggered violence and destructive rioting and looting activity. As a result, more livelihoods and more LIVES have suffered- from people of all races and ethnicities. While it is true that Christians should show compassion and empathy for the anger of those that are suffering, there are far too many Christ followers that have justified and even supported these violent activities. God does not tell us that we should not ever be angry, especially for witnessing and/or experiencing injustice, but we must listen and obey His instructions to deal with our anger in the proper way. We must be led by the Holy Spirit. And destroying businesses, destroying cities, stealing from stores, and violently attacking other people is NOT something that the Holy Spirit would lead anyone to do. 


Some people have been dismissive about these tragedies. “They are just buildings.” “They are just a few broken windows.” “I don’t care about Target.” “Why should I care more about property than an innocent life?” Giving attention to only a certain group of people’s problems, but indifferent to another, is a classic example of partiality- which is a sin that God forbids. It is possible to understand the pent-up anger and frustration of the black community AND to be sensitive to people that have been affected by the way they are expressing their anger. These buildings and businesses represent people. They represent their livelihoods and for some, what they have dedicated most of their lives to. Some people (including police officers) have even been killed during these riots. Not only is it insensitive to be dismissive of this, but it is also ignoring the Word of God that is rooted in the truth that love conquers all things and is what drives out hate. Don’t cite to Malcom X. Don’t cite to the American Revolution. Don’t cite events in history that were created by men. Cite to the truth in the Word of God. 


I want to conclude by reminding fellow Christians that we are on earth and earth is not our home. In Heaven, everything is perfect. Earth is a fallen world, permeated with sin. So, while not everything in the world is perfect (nor can we ever expect it to be perfect), don’t allow the problems in this world weigh you down. Because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4). Some things in this world might not change by our own human finite efforts. But we, as Christians, can continue to be the hands and feet of Christ by fighting the good fight of faith and driving out hate with love. And rest in the Lord’s promises that there will be a day when all wrongs are made right, and that racism will no longer exist in His new Kingdom and Earth.


3 Responses

  1. Amen! Well said! I fully believe that people in all churches (especially the black majority churches) that take up this mantra of “Black Lives Matter”, don’t realize the roots of this movement nor do they realize that they are still perpetrating the problem, sin, and issue of racism. If you are a Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ, whatever the color of your skin and your ethnic or racial heritage and genealogy are, if you are a Christian, then the Bible commands you to understand and live like “ALL LIVES MATTER”! Because ALL matter to God! Jesus died and rose again for ALL LIVES! 🙂

  2. I grew up in the 70s and the first half of the 80s, reaching the age of 34 in the year 2000, so I bring a somewhat older person’s perspective to this issue.
    Never in all those younger years did I ever hear people complaining about light-colored bandages, Aunt Jemima syrup, or any other such nonsense that the left has fanned into a raging fire in order to divide us, weakening us as a nation while they remake it into a Socialist cesspool. And back then there was a good deal more systemic racism than there is now, but until the progressives started teatmring open old wounds we were making real progress in race relations. By the way, I’m part Indian–Native American to the politically correct radicals–and am well aware of the injustices perpetrated against Indians, especially long ago, but I still love this country and my heart aches over what is being done to it. Furthermore, I will never apologize for being white. God created me as a white person, and those of BLM don’t want reconciliation, they want capitulation. I won’t capitulate.
    As you so clearly pointed out, the root of the problem is sin. And yes, racial and ethnic groups have been exploiting each other throughout history. It is a sad truth that this racial division exists in the churches, too. Now, in some regions and countries the demographics won’t permit diversity in church congregations, but here in the American South we have all kinds of people. White, black, Asian, Hispanic, or whatever else, we are all created in the image of God, and Jesus paid for all our sins alike. In His eyes, all lives matter. All souls matter. They should to us as well. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit are our guides, teachers, and sources of strength to go forward in unity and love.

  3. To clarify, only a portion of my ancestry is Indian (Native American 😁), but the majority of it is European Caucasian, complete with an English surname, so I have always considered myself to be white. Regardless, God made me and each of the rest of us as He saw fit and in His own image.