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Changing Jobs

  Deciding to change one’s job is a difficult choice to make because it involves taking a risk and hoping for the best. As Christians, it is one of the biggest things we will have to trust God on.   When making this decision, it shouldn’t be taken lightly but prayerfully and in discussion of […]

The Mysteries of Jesus

  We do not see God, but He has given us the capability of hearing His voice. That is what makes Him real, something the world will never come to know. Sometimes our minds are so insignificant compared to how big God is and we fall into the trap of believing that He is His […]

He Is Risen: From Death to Glory

  Next to Christmas, Easter is my favorite holiday, as this day was the ultimate game-changer for all of humanity. On Good Friday, the day that Jesus was crucified on the cross, was the day that our debt was fully paid. That was the day that all of us were officially set free from our […]

Denominations: Division in the Body of Christ

  In Christianity today, there are 40,000 denominations (factions) that share the faith but are segregated into groups by their own differences in practices and beliefs. Judaism was the first monotheistic religion known to man, but the Gentiles (Non-Jewish) established a church in Antioch during the reign of the Roman Empire into the Byzantine Empire. […]


  In a blog I wrote entitled “Those With Records,” I made the statement that those who have been victimized by criminals certainly deserve compassion and protection, then I noted the other side of the coin, that victims’ rights have been addressed for years now. To some, maybe even to many, that may sound crass […]


  In a recent blog one of the last things I said is that if you get saved you are adopted into God’s family and you have a place at the Father’s table. I would like to revisit that concept now.   One of the central things that draws people together is a meal. This […]

The Messiah who bore the sins of the world

  For no one living is righteous before you Psalm 143:2   Jesus came to this earth and grew up quietly, or in a humble way. As a child He remained hidden from the world and as He grew, everyone overlooked Him. It wasn’t His outside appearance that caught the eye of people. “He had […]

Hard Calling: The Hosea Anointing

  “When the Lord first spoke to Hosea, He said this to Him: ‘Go and marry a woman of promiscuity, and have children of promiscuity, for the land is committing blatant acts of promiscuity by abandoning the Lord.’”- Hosea 1:2     God tasked Prophet Hosea with the calling of denouncing Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness […]

“Declare Your Independence” Day

  On July 4th, 1776, Congress approved what we know as “The Declaration of Independence.” Although, it was not until August 2nd, 1776, that all 56 “patriots” had fully signed it, only a handful of which were renowned for their signatures and status which include: John Adams (editor), Samuel Adams, John Hancock (first signature), Benjamin […]


  God has some amazing attributes. People often think of His almighty power or of His total knowledge of everything and everyone. There are those who also contemplate God’s presence everywhere. But how about the fact that the Lord is both infinite and unchanging? Those are interesting to ponder upon as well. First, for the […]

Spring cleaning

  Psalm 51:10 states: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.”[1] Every now and then we are called to do a spring cleaning- this term does not necessarily mean it will happen in the springtime, but it is a time when cleaning both inside and […]

The Love of Money

  Money can’t buy us everything. Money has value until one chooses to misuse it. There’s only so far it can take us in the journey of life. Money may can buy happiness, but it can’t buy joy or peace. Happiness is a temporary feeling, but joy and peace only comes from the Lord. One […]

Faith is the Evidence of Things Unseen

  The closer you get to God, the more clearly you hear Him speak. I am blessed that I have been hearing the Lord speak to me about my purpose and many different areas of my life.     However, Satan has been working overtime to steal my word from God. I’ve questioned if what […]

Christmas: The Conception of Jesus and Birth of Salvation

  Christmastime means consumerism is at its peak, Christians are ready to argue over the birth date of Jesus, and families are ready to decorate their trees, but mostly end up untangling their lights for hours. Is this the meaning of Christmas? Or as the “Grinch” movie teaches is it really something more than boxes […]


Death is a very unpleasant subject to talk about. However, we’ve all been impacted by it at one time or another. We’ve lost family members, friends, pets, potted plants, and on it goes. As ugly as it is, death is a fact of life. Even if you have excellent health, longevity in your family history, […]

A Time To Rest

  In Ecclesiastes 3, we are told there is a time for everything. In 3:3, we are told “a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up.”[1] And in 7:7, there is “a time to tear and a time to sew [mend.}”[2] In this season there is a time […]

The Caregiver

  All God wants is your soul because He knows how precious and valuable it is otherwise He would not have died an innocent death for you. He cares for you more than you care for you, He knows everything you need and He has a plan for you. Your life isn’t meaningless and you […]

Exposing Pope Francis

  “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”- Matthew 7:15   “And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.”– Matthew 24:11   “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers […]

Deception Decorated with Desires

  When you think of evil, do you envision darkness and death? When we think of the devil, we imagine something sinister: cloven hooves, red skin, and horns. Well, some do anyway, but the devil was once Lucifer; a beautiful angel of the Most High. In Ezekiel 28:13 we learn how beloved this angel was […]


  Sometime back I wrote about how nature itself testifies of God, providing Scriptural evidence of this as well. This time I want to zero in on one specific item in His amazing creation: The atom. We have heard about atoms most of our lives, studied about them in school, and so on. Let’s take […]