Some of you reading this blog have probably traveled into remote parts of this country. You are riding down a road in, perhaps, desert or grassland country and you may see a sign that says, “Last Service for 50 Miles”, or something to that effect. As you drive on, a sense of isolation sets […]
The Angel of Light (Night)
In the Bible, Satan is described as an angel of light in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15–” And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” As I mentioned […]
Some of you who are reading this blog have experienced being burned badly, or you know someone who has. I have not suffered any severe burns in my life, nor do I know anyone personally who experienced this, but I have seen persons carrying the scars of such a dreadful occurrence. Fire can be […]
The Truth Offends with Conviction
Whenever someone is on trial and found guilty; they are convicted of a crime. Our hearts and minds can also face conviction from the Lord, which leads to correction. A correctional facility is defined as a place where criminals go to be rehabilitated whereas prison is a place where criminals are punished for their […]
For a very long time the creation account given in the Bible has been taken literally, although even in ancient times some early church fathers, such as Origen and Augustine, did not agree that Genesis 1 and 2 should be taken in a completely literal manner. The problem with their position is that, again, […]
The Mystery of Tongues Explained
The spiritual gift of speaking in tongues is often debated throughout the different denominations of Christianity. Some argue that it is specific gift that is given to specific people and if there is NOT an interpreter present with the message then it is unholy or false. However, in Scripture, there are explanations of this […]
Those of us who are born again should be cognizant of the fact that Christianity is under major attack in these last days. Even in traditional Christian bastions such as the United States, our faith is being increasingly derided and dismissed, even to the point of serious attempts being made to silence us. The […]
The Evening Hate
In World War I, Trench Warfare was the tactic utilized by all troops. During the first hours of darkness before daybreak, armies would fire their heavy artillery without ceasing towards all opposition while they took cover in deep ditches. During this time, the enemy was patrolling and transitioning from the frontline position to the […]
As people who are in the world but not of the world, we as Christians hold citizenship in heaven (Philippians 3:17-21).Meanwhile, while here on earth we are citizens of whatever nation we live in (if we are legally registered!). Every nation has a government. While God did institute government, we know that throughout history […]
The Devil Turns Up the Heat When You Do What Jesus Did
Have you ever noticed in video games that more enemies spawn in certain areas? You can defeat a handful that seem relatively easy to defeat but then as you progress the difficulty level increases significantly. In some games, you have maze-like maps to navigate, there will be more enemies in areas where treasure is […]
We are familiar with the concept of time in general. Right now, early into a new year, we are particularly conscious of it. As far as the daily business of living goes, there are schedules to keep, deadlines to meet, appointments to be made, and so on, seemingly ad infinitum. Since the fall of […]
The Company We Keep Can Build or Break Character
In 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 Paul taught the Corinthian church–” Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits. Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.” It is true as the old saying goes: “If you hang with dogs, you […]
The One True Living God
God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? – Numbers 23:19 God is not human. It’s not His desire to watch His children suffer […]
Every year has its beginning and end, and here we are, stepping into 2023. As in so many other years, a whole lot of New Year’s resolutions will be made, most especially to lose weight. Knowing this, advertisements which just a few short weeks ago barked out sales of every holiday food and drink […]
The Chicken and the Mongoose
Imagine being a newborn chick, freshly hatched and your predator is awaiting you the moment you leave the security of your shell. Almost a month has passed, and you don’t know what world awaits you, naive but eager for life. There are beasts ravenous, and prowling plotting your demise, but you are none the […]
Comparisons…It seems that from the time we are first cognizant as little children we are bombarded with comparisons made between people, between products, between teams, and so on. When you listen to the commercials, from the cradle to the grave it seems as if we are never good enough in and of ourselves. Such […]
The Age of Aquarius: The “New Age” of Deception
The “Age of Aquarius” is an astrological age marked by certain advances by humanity in civilization such as the discovery of electricity. It also relates to the “gyroscopic precession” of the earth’s axis and the planets alignment. Although there is much debate surrounding the idea of when it has begun, the current state of […]
We have heard of such terms as “lefty” and “southpaw” before, of course, referring to those who are lefthanded. I am familiar with all that because I am lefthanded myself. Thankfully, one of the few things I was never seriously teased about was this particular writing trait. It is a sad fact that even […]
The 3 Gifts of the Magi: A Foretelling
When Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary, a star was placed in the sky that served as a guiding light for three wise kings that studied astrology. This study involves the investigating of “celestial bodies” especially concerning the constellations. Magi watched the skies for signs that fulfill divine prophecies. From Genesis to Isaiah […]
When I was born again in the spring of 1995, and even throughout the first few years of being a Christian, I took it for granted that all believers were firmly settled about the fact that Jesus Christ is the only One in whom anyone could believe in order to be saved. That did […]