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The One True Living God

  God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?  – Numbers 23:19   God is not human. It’s not His desire to watch His children suffer […]


  Every year has its beginning and end, and here we are, stepping into 2023. As in so many other years, a whole lot of New Year’s resolutions will be made, most especially to lose weight. Knowing this, advertisements which just a few short weeks ago barked out sales of every holiday food and drink […]

The Chicken and the Mongoose

  Imagine being a newborn chick, freshly hatched and your predator is awaiting you the moment you leave the security of your shell.  Almost a month has passed, and you don’t know what world awaits you, naive but eager for life. There are beasts ravenous, and prowling plotting your demise, but you are none the […]


  Comparisons…It seems that from the time we are first cognizant as little children we are bombarded with comparisons made between people, between products, between teams, and so on. When you listen to the commercials, from the cradle to the grave it seems as if we are never good enough in and of ourselves. Such […]

The Age of Aquarius: The “New Age” of Deception

  The “Age of Aquarius” is an astrological age marked by certain advances by humanity in civilization such as the discovery of electricity. It also relates to the “gyroscopic precession” of the earth’s axis and the planets alignment. Although there is much debate surrounding the idea of when it has begun, the current state of […]


  We have heard of such terms as “lefty” and “southpaw” before, of course, referring to those who are lefthanded. I am familiar with all that because I am lefthanded myself. Thankfully, one of the few things I was never seriously teased about was this particular writing trait. It is a sad fact that even […]

The 3 Gifts of the Magi: A Foretelling

  When Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary, a star was placed in the sky that served as a guiding light for three wise kings that studied astrology. This study involves the investigating of “celestial bodies” especially concerning the constellations. Magi watched the skies for signs that fulfill divine prophecies. From Genesis to Isaiah […]


  When I was born again in the spring of 1995, and even throughout the first few years of being a Christian, I took it for granted that all believers were firmly settled about the fact that Jesus Christ is the only One in whom anyone could believe in order to be saved. That did […]

Thanksgiving is Spiritual Food Too

  If you have ever been to a public school, you already know the story of the Pilgrims sharing a meal with the Native Americans to celebrate a brotherhood. But did you know that this was more than just a friendly gathering? Nowadays society has been plagued with ideas that encourage division such as critical […]


  The gift I am referring to here is, of course, human sexuality. God gave this gift to be enjoyed only in the context of one man and one woman in marriage. This is not my opinion, but my belief, because it’s what the living, inspired Word of God says. Marriage is itself a God-ordained […]

Talebearers & Their Tall Tales

  The tongue is a powerful weapon; it can yield the “Sword of Truth,” — a tool for edification, or it can destroy both people and empires. As Christians we are encouraged by the Lord to speak life, an example of His instruction is found in Proverbs 18:21–” Death and life are in the power […]


  One of the blogs I wrote, “Where is the Unity?”, was written concerning the extensive divisions in the body of Christ. Whether in Old Testament times or in the Church Age, God has never wanted His people to be divided, but unified (Psalm 133:1; 1 Corinthians 3:1-9).     However, during His earthly ministry Jesus […]

Which Gospel Are You Preaching?

  “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”[1]   Like many Christians, I belong to several Facebook groups that discuss the Christian faith. Some are directed towards a specific denomination such as Catholicism or Pentecostalism while others have a more specific target […]

We only know in part: The Mystery of Prophecy

“For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will come to an end.”- 1 Corinthians 13:9 Even when God speaks to His people prophetically, it is only in part. We usually do not fully see the depths of His overall purpose or the gravity of what […]

St. Patrick Cast Serpents into the Sea

Every March 17th, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a feast of Irish cuisine and much drinking. We are advised to wear green under threat of being pinched (This was an act of solidarity for the Irish Rebellion in 1798), and shamrocks patterned on clothes or jewelry becomes a necessity. While many all over the […]


  This is all at once an unpleasant and neglected subject. It is neglected in the sense that such discipline is either not practiced in a number of churches today, or else when it is, it is done in an incorrect or inconsistent manner. The subject is unpleasant because it deals with, if needed, strong […]

Sound Doctrine = Good Health

  A diseased spirit leads to a body plagued with constant infirmities, whether it be mental or physical. It can be biblically supported that relentless illness can be linked to false doctrines. God’s Word is vital, like spiritual food for our bodies, this is made evident in Proverbs 4:20-22–” My son, give attention to my […]

The Sword: Cutting It Where It Hurts

  “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s […]

Resurrection Sunday

  The origins of Easter concerned the spring equinox being a sacred time for other cultures such as pagan festivals. In some cases, as it is with most pagan customs, fertility was the theme. But this celebration of rebirth and renewal is also the perfect time to rejoice in the resurrection of Christ. Celebrate life […]


  We as New Testament saints have a lot of privileges. It is easy to forget or not even be aware of the things we can do versus the limitations the Old Testament saints had to deal with. Regardless of what era any saint ever lived in, it has always been a blessing to be […]