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The Risen King

  This is to honor our King. The Risen King.   Let’s let go of our pain, our fear, our struggles, and our worries. Let’s let go of everything we know and let’s place our focus on Him. As you read along these lines, I pray you find Christ and dive deep into more of […]

The Mystery of God’s Mercy

  “For she thought, ‘I will follow my lovers, the men who give me my food and water, my wool and flax, my oil and drink.’ Therefore, this is what I will do: I will block her way with thorns; I will enclose her with a wall, so that she cannot find her paths. She […]

Them Crazy Christians

  In 1 Corinthians 1:18 Paul wrote— “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” Those who are perishing are those who are spiritually dead, lost to the world. They have not yet received the “Good News,” […]


We have this misguided idea of what “church” is supposed to be like, especially those comprising the youngest generations, those who were not around when institutional Christianity at least tried to be more Biblical—tried, not was.  But it was still far better back then than the collection of seeker-friendly, profit-hustling, worldly churches dotting the landscape […]

God only places you where you are meant to be

  How many people wonder, “what the heck am I doing”? Why am I not in X place in my life? Why am I not married? Have children? Have the job of my dreams? The why’s continue because we have these misconstrued ideas of by what age we should be doing certain things in life. […]

The Unknown mystery of Wisdom

  The fear of the Lord is this wisdom and to turn from evil is understanding Job 28:28   According to Job, Wisdom cannot be found by the eyes of every living thing neither can it be located “For it is hidden from the eyes of every living thing and concealed from the birds of […]

Valentines Day Blues

  Happy Valentines Day! This is a message for some of you that might be feeling some Valentine’s Day Blues today, but I pray that you take this message and keep it in your heart every day of the year…   If you’re feeling bitter and overwhelmed from all of the (seemingly) “happy couples’” Valentine’s […]

The Spirit of Divination

  The word Divination is derived from the Latin “divinare” which means to foretell and is usually by means of the occult. One of the most common examples of this term describes what we know as “fortunetellers.” Since ancient times, people have made a business of predicting other people’s lives by claiming they can see […]


Yes, it is that time of year again—Christmas. Once more we think of or otherwise experience the giving of gifts, the viewing of Christmas lights and decorations, family gatherings and meals, and all the other things we have come to expect with this holiday, including the over-the-top commercialization, the watching of sports events on television, […]


Ephesians 2:8-9:  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. James 2:14-18:  What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?  Can faith save him?  If a brother […]

Plus sized and looking fabulous

  Who is plus sized? Who has ever felt judged because their body size is bigger than an XL? Who has been made to feel as if they are a piece of garbage because they have some extra weight? Or felt fat because the size of clothing they tried on did not fit?   As […]

To Yeast or Not to Yeast

  A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough. Galatians 5:9   “In the bible, yeast is used as a metaphor for something very small that causes great consequences. Yeast is used mostly to symbolize evil disposition, corruption, malice, wickedness, or uncleanness.”  quoted from Jesus is mighty to save ministry   In my […]

What Does It Mean To Be Theologically Pro-Life: Thou Shalt Not Murder

  While the issue of abortion has been mainstreamed into a political issue, to Christians, this is a spiritual issue. Yet so many believers and theologians, have over-complicated such a simply, basic, theological concept- “what does it really mean to be pro-life?” The answer is really simple: If you believe what Exodus 20:13 says, “Thou […]

Void Your Contract with Trauma

  Every moment we experience in our lives, both good and bad, are memories that can either make or break us. Ultimately the choice is ours how we handle the situation, but our perspective will change the outcome of our resolve. These events can be damaging, long-term or short-term. Circumstance can also dictate how we […]


  Proverbs 4:23-  Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.   The very first word in the above sentence, “keep,” is, in Hebrew, natsar (naw-TSAR), which essentially means “to guard,” according to Strong’s Concordance.  Chances are you have heard this verse quoted at some point, maybe even a number of times, […]

Canadian Thanksgiving

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 states: “16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” NRSV[1]   This past weekend, my fellow Canadians celebrated our Thanksgiving. For those who aren’t aware, the Canadian Thanksgiving happens around the second weekend of October while the American Thanksgiving is […]

You vs You: a race against yourself

  This life will always be You vs. You. It will always be your old self vs. your new self. And you will always be #1. You will always be the winner.   When someone who is running a race, it’s never to be better there than the other person. It’s never to beat the […]

What Is Your Source of Power?

There are two sources of power that exist in this world, because there are two types of spirits – one of God and the other is of Satan. Whichever power we tap into determines whether we reap a harvest of righteousness and God’s blessings, or a harvest of evil and Satan’s counterfeits. There is no […]

Worship Makes Warships

A warship is a vessel equipped with weaponry to prepare for battles at sea. As Christians we are to equip ourselves to fight spiritual warfare, we are to be mighty soldiers for the army of the Lord. This is told in 2 Timothy 2:3-4— “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus […]

These Prophetic Times – Article 1 – (11-06-2022)

ON THE EDGE OF THE AGE Because of the period we are living in, there is a heightened interest in the end times among many Christians. Although we should not major on this, it is still something to keep in mind as we deal with life from here on out. There are some Scriptures which […]