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  Any discerning Christian should be able to see that we are in the last days. The warnings are in the Word that things in these days will be bad and will get worse before they get better. Here is but one example:   2 Timothy 3:1-9:  But know this, that in the last days […]

Labor Day: A Revolution for Dignity

  The late 1800s was a terribly busy time for American workers. 12-hour workdays for 7 days of the week was the MINIMUM requirement for workers, even the children who were as young as 5 years old. This was the time of the “Industrial Revolution.” The term “revolution” means an act of resistance, which could […]

The Beauty of Our Imperfections

  My Persian friend’s parents gave me some pistachios from Iran. Various climate and biological factors make Iran one of the best places in the world to grow pistachios; it goes without saying that they are much tastier and of much better quality than pistachios that are produced in the U.S. However, there were a […]

Isolation Can Evolve into Iniquity

  Everyone needs their alone time at times, hopefully they are going to the Lord in their time of peace and solitude and not just compromising with their sorrows or feeding selfish desires. Alone time can be time to study the Bible, pray, and meditate.   There are a multitude of activities that could bring […]


  There are a lot of folks, particularly those of us who are older, who look back over the course of our lives to the way things were when we were a good deal younger, maybe three or four decades ago, or even farther if we are old enough, and we have a tendency to […]


  Trust is a vital element in relationships. Along with being truthful, being able to share things with others and having the capacity to be a good listener are important qualities in building trust and in being trustworthy. This is true even among the lost, and it certainly is in the body of Christ.   […]

Seeing God’s Goodness in the Midst of Grief

  I haven’t shared on here yet, but I recently lost my (step)father, whom was very very ill for a long time. Although it was something we had been somewhat preparing for, as we knew that his health had been declining, it was still a shock because of how abruptly it had happened. One day […]

Inhibition of Spiritual Gifts

  There are nine spiritual gifts outlined in 1 Corinthians, and they are divided into their own categories based on the nature of the gift. The first of which is the three Gifts of Revelation: The Word of Wisdom, The Word of Knowledge, and the Discerning of Spirits. The second class is the three Gifts […]


  We have heard numerous times that we are living in the last days before the Rapture, before Christ’s return, and we really are. If you are familiar with the Scriptures and understand what they say, you have but to read them and see that what has been foretold is coming to pass:   1 […]


  Psalm 136:1:  Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy enduresforever.   That is a beautiful verse, one of many throughout the Bible extolling the goodness of God. In church we sing and talk about how good God is, and we praise Jesus as we go about our daily […]

“Pre-term Birth: Are You Tired of Being Spiritually ‘Pregnant’?”

  “’Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?’” says the LORD. ‘Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?’ says your God.”– Isaiah 66:9 At this time three years, I had become spiritually “pregnant” with a promise that God had whispered to me. The past few months […]

Healing Through Trust

  Time does not heal all wounds; healing comes through worship (obedience) and trust. It is never too late or too early to receive healing. God is always on time as revealed by Psalm 31:15—”My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me.”   […]


  It is sad but true that many professing Christians talk behind the backs of alcoholics and drug addicts just like worldly people do, sometimes even more viciously. That hits home with me because in the past I’ve had my own struggles with alcohol. If anyone thinks I will open up to someone about my […]

God’s Love

  Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:38-39   His love is steadfast. His love is […]


  In the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ instructs the apostle John to write seven letters. These are to seven churches which existed in the first century, all of them in what is now Turkey but what was then Asia (Asia Minor) in the Roman Empire. The last letter was to the church in the […]

Post-Roe: What Does This Mean for the Pro-Life Movement?

  Back in June, The Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade, a case that egregiously ruled that access to abortion was a fundamental right in 1972, which prohibited all individual states from outlawing abortion. While the overturning of this case was a joyous celebration for the Kingdom of God, for the […]

Giving the Serpent Legs

  In New Age Christianity, God’s “love” is emphasized, but not the same love we know as believers. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8— “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; […]


Many people are familiar with diagrams of the solar system, complete with the sun and its eight planets (I still think Pluto should have been left as the ninth planet!), plus the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. In this high-tech age we are living in, diagrams like these can seem like […]

Familiar Spirits

  In movies and TV Shows, “familiar spirits” are often referred to as people that were turned into animals and serve as an aid for a witch or warlock. In the movie, “Maleficent” there was a crow turned man that could switch between the 2 forms to be of use to the witch. In “Hocus […]


  In the past few decades there has been a lot of talk about unidentified flying objects (UFOs), also called unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), as well as talk of various types of aliens. Certainly aliens are a big deal to New Agers. There have been multiple sightings of UFOs as well as accounts of people […]