In these days of mass incarceration many of us know, or have known, someone who has been to jail or prison. They are also thus likely to be aware of the fact that a number of people, not necessarily the majority, who are incarcerated seek spiritual solutions to their problems sooner or later. This […]


  It seems like just yesterday that it was New Year’s Day, yet here we are at Thanksgiving. If you have noticed the television commercials, as usual they went straight from Halloween to Christmas advertising, talking it up about what’s on sale and so on. Naturally there is at best only a token mention of […]

The Enemy of Jealousy

  The devil has made this world his home. He has established himself as the ruler of this world, prince of the air or the god of this world. The devil knows he is destined for hell, or the second death, because he sinned against God. God cast him out of heaven, so he knows […]

The Essence of Unfailing Love: Knowing Jesus

  “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud. It is not self-seeking. It is not irritable, and keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through […]

Liberation Can Be Lost

  Before I officially begin, let me start by quoting Matthew 13:57–” So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.” In Hebrew the use of the word “offend” has many meanings, it is not simply to […]


  We all know that when we make decisions there are consequences involved. These can be good when the right decision is made. As Christians, we should be guided by the Holy Spirit. Not for every little thing—common sense is enough to tell us when to do laundry or eat lunch, for example. But you […]

Leprosy: The Disease of Sin

  God has appointed all Christians to be humble disciples and not only be hearers of the Word but also be doers. Call it “Power Evangelism” where you share the gospel, and the Living Word but also do as Jesus did and cast out demons, heal the sick, resurrect the dead, and “cleanse the lepers.” […]

The Elijah Anointing: Hope in the Drought

  I am devastated when I drive past gas stations and see the prices climb by the day. I am saddened by the rapid rate of inflation in groceries. I am scared for mommas of infants when I hear of the scarcity of baby formula. It is clear that this world, particular in the United […]


  There is a lot of talk—and in my opinion, a lot of hot air—being tossed around these days about climate change, formerly known as global warming. In the 1970’s the talk was of a new ice age coming. As usual, a lot of hypereducated would-be worldshakers are busy pontificating on the weather, which is […]


  Those who are familiar with the Gospels know that when Jesus was crucified He was not put up on the hill Golgotha by Himself. Crucifixion was one of the cruelest means of torture and execution ever devised in mankind’s long, dark, sinful history. It was so horrible that in ancient Rome, condemned Roman citizens […]

Jeremiah was a “Bullfrog”

  Bullfrogs have seven different distinct calls that set them apart from other frogs, and these calls can result in a behavior known as phonotaxis. There are both positive and negative reactions and can happen for all walks of life both humans and animals. If positive, the creature will draw near, if negative they will […]

The Christ-Like Approach to the LGBT Community

     I’ll open by saying that as followers of Christ, we are called to be salt of the earth. How can we be salt of the earth if we sugar-coat the Gospel? Part of sharing the Gospel is calling out what God calls sin, so that sinners can recognize the depravity in their hearts and […]

Jealous Spirits

  Othello is one of my favorite Shakespearean stories, but not because I enjoy the intrigue and drama. I enjoy movies that reveal the truth behind an action such as jealousy consuming a man and turning him into someone else entirely. In the old days, a “green” complexion was associated with illness and fear; From […]


  Any discerning Christian should be able to see that we are in the last days. The warnings are in the Word that things in these days will be bad and will get worse before they get better. Here is but one example:   2 Timothy 3:1-9:  But know this, that in the last days […]

Labor Day: A Revolution for Dignity

  The late 1800s was a terribly busy time for American workers. 12-hour workdays for 7 days of the week was the MINIMUM requirement for workers, even the children who were as young as 5 years old. This was the time of the “Industrial Revolution.” The term “revolution” means an act of resistance, which could […]

The Beauty of Our Imperfections

  My Persian friend’s parents gave me some pistachios from Iran. Various climate and biological factors make Iran one of the best places in the world to grow pistachios; it goes without saying that they are much tastier and of much better quality than pistachios that are produced in the U.S. However, there were a […]

Isolation Can Evolve into Iniquity

  Everyone needs their alone time at times, hopefully they are going to the Lord in their time of peace and solitude and not just compromising with their sorrows or feeding selfish desires. Alone time can be time to study the Bible, pray, and meditate.   There are a multitude of activities that could bring […]


  There are a lot of folks, particularly those of us who are older, who look back over the course of our lives to the way things were when we were a good deal younger, maybe three or four decades ago, or even farther if we are old enough, and we have a tendency to […]


  Trust is a vital element in relationships. Along with being truthful, being able to share things with others and having the capacity to be a good listener are important qualities in building trust and in being trustworthy. This is true even among the lost, and it certainly is in the body of Christ.   […]

Seeing God’s Goodness in the Midst of Grief

  I haven’t shared on here yet, but I recently lost my (step)father, whom was very very ill for a long time. Although it was something we had been somewhat preparing for, as we knew that his health had been declining, it was still a shock because of how abruptly it had happened. One day […]