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  Many people, even a number of believers, are so busy with their lives that they seldom if ever take time just to notice the trees, the grass, the clouds, the sun, moon, and stars—nature itself. Secular science has turned the story of nature into a litany of lies about evolution and a collection of […]


  In the United States, for a long time it was usual to think of persecution as something that happens in other countries. Many thought that persecution of Christians would not happen here in the land of the free and the home of the brave. In the past several decades, however, this attitude began to […]


  The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. Proverbs 12:15     As people we have to always look to the Source, God, for what’s right and what’s wrong. Not look to this world, not YouTube, not your job, not social media. While it’s […]

Breaking Free From People Bondage

  The definition of bondage is “the state of being a slave.” One of the privileges of being saved by the Lord Jesus Christ and a child of the most-high God is that we have the power within us to be set free from bondage. Since I began law school nearly two years ago, the […]

Chasing the Serpents into the Sea

  What is the difference between a disciple and an apostle? A disciple is a student under a schoolmaster, and an apostle is a student that has graduated and is sent out (chosen) by the teacher to share wisdom through the knowledge they gained, to do works by faith, and to establish churches (Ecclesia) along […]

Are you a Believer or a Fan of Jesus?

  In the Holy Bible there is mention of woman that touched the hem of Jesus’ garment for healing, three different parts of scripture in the book of Matthew and Luke are told from a different perspective. Luke 8:43-46— “Now as a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all […]


  Psalm 119:105-  Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.   In this well-known Scripture passage from the Psalms, the writer is, in plain terms, extolling the benefits of the Word of God.  Clearly he has seen how to live a life that is pleasing to God by […]


  The history of the ordination of clergy is long and complex, too much to quickly explain and certainly beyond the scope of this blog.  If you have been a reader of the King James Version of the Bible, when you see people being assigned to various positions in the Church, you will see words […]


  We’re not here to not make mistakes. We’re here to learn from our mistakes. They give us an opportunity to build our character, to prepare us for the next time. And if not next time then later on in the future.   We’re not here to stop sinning. We’re not here to be perfect. […]

Believe Like Mary: The Mary Anointing

  In September of 2020, I had received a prophetic word about the child that God would give me one day. The Lord said that He saw that I had a lot of desires in heart (one of them being a child), but that He needed me to get to a place where I needed […]

Ambition of Truth

The term “Ambire” means “to aim for” in Latin and evolved into “Ambitio.” Today the word “Ambition” is used to describe aspiring young adults. Someone labeled as ambitious would be expected to be successful and a hard worker or at the very least, striving to meet these goals. The Holy Bible warns against selfish ambitions, […]


  Most people have heard and/or uttered the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  Like so many other sayings, this one has also passed into the working knowledge of handling and viewing life that so many people draw guidance from.  As Christians, however, we must measure life’s […]


  Have you ever been surprised at the number of titles some people in the body of Christ carry?  Reverend, Right Reverend, Doctor, Apostle, Prophet, Priest, Father, Bishop, Archbishop, Primate (yes, that is an ecclesiastical title [!]), and so on…It seems like some folks almost need a second marquee in front of their church just […]

Following Instagram or Following Jesus?

  It’s very easy to get access to information. That’s a big reason why we follow people on Instagram. We desire to change, grow and to be inspired by listening to people on social media. We might show love and support and purchase their books, attend their gatherings or conferences. We might even binge watch […]

Are You in an ‘Almost But Not Yet’ Season?

In 1 Samuel 16, David was anointed King of Israel by the Lord, in the place of King Saul who had been rejected by the Lord. However, King David had to go through a season of waiting and preparation for fifteen years before he was able to publicly take his place as king. In 1 […]

365 Ways to Not Fear

  In the Holy Bible, there are 365 verses instructing Christians to NOT FEAR, to NOT WORRY, to NOT BE ANXIOUS.  From the book of Genesis to Revelation, God has emphasized this. There is a very good reason for this! Satan uses fear to demotivate us and to ensnare us in his web of lies. […]

Love Redefined: Agape

  Love is sacrifice, but what does it mean to “sacrifice”? In the Old Testament a sacrifice is defined as an offering to God. There were five types of offerings mentioned in the book of Leviticus: the burnt offering, the grain offering, the peace offering, the sin offering, and the trespass offering; all of which […]


  Not that long ago I wrote a blog about what I called “Jonah Christians,” believers who feel that certain types of people should not be given a second chance even by God Himself, much the way that Jonah felt about the hated Assyrians.  This time I want to zero in on a specific group […]


2 Timothy 3:1-5:  But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, having a […]

Fear in disguise

  Sometimes we let our love or respect for people cloud our judgment. We think that if we excuse certain behaviors or acts, God does it too. We think that God accepts certain behaviors and that it should get a pass because we are Christians and we are called to love, be kind, and be […]