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The Esther Anointing: For Such a Time as This


Esther was a woman of bold faith, strength, and courage. She was placed in a position by God to approach King Xerxes of Persia with a daring request to free the Jews, when it was frowned upon, and even dangerous, to make the first move to the King.


She had a complicated childhood- she was orphaned and raised by her cousin, in a society when orphans were often shunned and looked at as “less than.”


She ended up finding favor and grace in the eyes of the King through her beauty, humility, and Godly anointing. She fasted and prayed boldly in faith for the salvation of her people. She knew when it was wise to speak and when it was wise to be still, keep silent, and let God work.


She played a significant role in God’s sovereignty and strategic providence for a very key time in Biblical history. She wasn’t simply the Queen of Persia, but she was appointed to this royal position for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14).


Has God given you the opportunity to speak the Word of God to someone? Perhaps to a seemingly unlikely convert?


Maybe you’ve had a complicated past where you’ve endured rejection or have been judged by others based on your position in society. Maybe you don’t feel qualified to be in such a position that God has placed you in and don’t feel qualified to do what He has called you to do.


Maybe you were placed in a position that you wouldn’t have even chosen for yourself. (Scripture does not say if Esther even wanted to be Queen).


Maybe you’ve felt the Holy Spirit tell you to make a bold move to approach a particular person with the Gospel to be their bridge between them and the saving knowledge of God. And maybe you feel apprehensive about making that move.


BUT… God will equip you with the boldness, strength, dignity, and courage to make that daring move. He will anoint you with His spirit and diligently sanctify your heart so that you exhibit the beauty and humility that will lead your Xerxes to find favor with you.


You might be led to fast and pray like never before and be called into a deep level of faith… all for the sake of this person’s salvation.


In Esther’s time, her calling was to save her people from the King’s decree. As followers of Christ, we have the highest calling to make Jesus Christ known to the world and to boldly proclaim the Gospel. Whatever position God placed you in to be the voice of God to someone, He will help you rise to the call. Like Esther, you were made for such a time as this.




One Response

  1. Yes Amen If God puts in a position to do his will he will equip us with what we need to know, and say