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These Prophetic Times – Article 1 – (11-06-2022)

ON THE EDGE OF THE AGE Because of the period we are living in, there is a heightened interest in the end times among many Christians. Although we should not major on this, it is still something to keep in mind as we deal with life from here on out. There are some Scriptures which […]


As Christians, we are to believe in the Bible—God’s Word—and obey it.  Sadly, in these last days there is a lack of real belief in the Bible.  Polls have been taken which show that those who identify as Christians are taking an increasingly fast and loose approach to Holy Writ.  For some examples, a number […]

Thanksgiving: Celebrating Humility and Unity

  Eucharisteo means thanksgiving in Greek, and in the Latin community there is a liturgy of the “Eucharist” where a sacrament known as the holy communion is presented in offering to the masses gathered in church. Prior to taking communion (the bread and the wine), a eucharistic prayer is said. There are many prayers specific to […]

Halloween – “A Festival of both Fear & Reformation”

  October 31st is a day of festivities, but what one chooses to celebrate on this day can differ. To the Celtic pagans this holiday is known as “Samhain,” a time (usually from October 31stto November 1st) to rejoice in the harvest and honor the “Lord of Death” known as Samhain. This was a time […]

Laying on of Hands Is a Channel through Which God Acts – by Max Aplin

  One of the good things to have come out of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements is a greater awareness of the importance of laying on hands in Christian practice. This aspect of the Christian faith is still routinely neglected in more than a few parts of the church. But Pentecostals and Charismatics have helped […]