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Believe Like Mary: The Mary Anointing


In September of 2020, I had received a prophetic word about the child that God would give me one day. The Lord said that He saw that I had a lot of desires in heart (one of them being a child), but that He needed me to get to a place where I needed to separate myself from my desires and seek His Kingdom first and that I could trust Him to fulfill those desires in due season.


He told me that there was a child that He would give me, a child that I would carry in my womb and a child that would grow up to love and serve the Lord. He told me that before I conceived this child, that He was going to give me a husband first, a husband who loved the Lord. He told me that like Mary, I had found favor with Him and that he entrusted me to carry this child to train her up in the way that she should go. As soon as I had received that word, I instantly fell to my knees and lifted my hands in the air, praising Him and thanking Him. Not just for His promise to fulfill my desire to be a mother, but the fact that He had chosen me, little old me, with the duty to give birth to and to raise this special child. My entire life, I had felt so insignificant in other’s eyes, and I was so humbled, and felt so underserving, that He had taken notice of me. In His eyes, I was comparable to someone as devoted and as Holy as Mother Mary.


When I had quiet time with the Lord that same night, I opened my Bible to Luke Chapter 1 and read the story when the Angel Gabriel told Mary that she was pregnant with the Son of God (Luke 1:26-37). In Luke 1:38, Mary answered, “I am the Lord’s servant; may your word to me be fulfilled.” I prayed this verse to the Lord and told Him, “Lord, like Mary, I am your servant; may everything you have spoken over me, happen to me; may your word come into fruition in due season. May I have faith in your words and joyfully accept every gift you have in store for me. No matter how long it takes for your promise to come to pass, no matter how many difficulties your plan for my life brings, may I be submitted to your will.”


I began reading Mary’s song of praise and the verses in Luke 1:46-49 resonated so much with me when I found out that I too, would bear a child, and praised Him for that gift.


“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. From now on, all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me- Holy is His name.”Luke 1:46-49.


I didn’t realize how much in common I had with Mary until the Lord gave me this promise for a child and confirmed it through this scripture. Mary was called blessed by many and was given a divine privilege of being mother of our Savior, but before then, she considered herself a humble, lowly servant. I would imagine she felt overlooked and unnoticed by people around her. I would imagine she had felt misunderstood in her community, especially being a teenager pregnant out of wedlock. Yet, the God of our universe had taken notice of her and saw her worthy of such a high honor of being mother to Jesus Christ.


Do you have the Mary Anointing?


Is God calling you to humble yourself so that He can exalt you?


“Humble yourself in sight of the Lord so that He may lift you up.”James 4:10


The Bible describes Mary of being a meek young woman, dedicated to serving God, and wholly submitted to His will. God is looking for those that are sold out to Him. The ones that are sold out to Him are the ones that He can use for His Kingdom work. The ones that are flexible and allow themselves to be His handiwork are the ones that He finds favor with. Mary had humble beginnings as a lowly servant girl, but God exalted her, giving her the divine privilege of being Mother of Jesus and called “blessed” for generations to come.


Mary’s life made me realize how important it was in my Christian walk to be committed daily to the Lord’s will and to allow Him to sanctify me and refine me in His image so that I can be used for His glory.


Did God call you to a radical level of faith?


“Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her.”Luke 1:45.


Have you ever heard of the saying, “Believe like Mary”? I imagine that Mary’s level of faith was challenged in order to believe that she would become pregnant by the Holy Spirit even though she was a virgin. Since God has spoken to me prophetically, He has made it clear that He was calling me deeper and deeper to my secret place with Him. He was calling me into a deeper level of faith to be submitted to His will, even if I don’t understand it, and to stand firm on His word. Hanging on to His word required me to be fully committed to the process and have unshakeable trust in God for the outcome. As more time has passed, there have been moments where I have wrestled with my faith and even experienced doubt. But during this season of growing in faith and trusting in God’s plans for my life, I have truly experienced what it actually means to “Believe like Mary.”



2 Responses

  1. We definitely need a high level of faith, especially in these evil last days that we are living in.