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Ordination Covenant




(This Ordination Covenant must be read, agreed to, and signed before any person is granted the honorable privilege of being Licensed and Ordained into Christian Ministry under the Headship of It Ain’t Over Ministries.  By signing this Ordination Covenant the signer is agreeing to obey it for the duration they hold a Ministerial Licensing and Ordination from It Ain’t Over Ministries.)



Having been brought, as we believe, by divine grace to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and Preserver, we do now on this [Date Entered Below] in the year of our Lord [Date Entered Below], solemnly and joyfully covenant and agree, by God’s help to walk together in brotherly love.  We, (It Ain’t Over Ministries) therefore, enter into covenant as members of this Ministry and as Christians, that we will watch over each other in love, sharing together each other’s joys and sorrows; and that we will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, nor omit the great duty of prayer for ourselves and others; that by divine assistance we will endeavor to bring up those under our care and making disciples in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; that in all things we will strive to exemplify our calling to the Apostolic, Orthodox, Full-Gospel Ministry by the corresponding practice; to abstain from all sinful conformity to the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in all deportments; that we will sustain the Worship, Ordinances, Faith, Practices, Doctrine, Theology & Mission of It Ain’t Over Ministries, that we will contribute cheerfully with our giving to the support and furtherance of the Ministry according to our ability, the expense of the Ministry, the relief of the poor and the general spread of the Orthodox Full-Gospel of Christ.  In keeping this solemn Covenant, may we ever enjoy the blessings and presence of the great Head of the Church, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.



Your “Name” appearing here in this section, filled in by you, constitutes your full, unabridged, and legal Signature to not withstand and uphold as making this a Legally Binding Contract in any jurisdiction of any United States of America, Court of Law.