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Ministerial Licensing & Ordination Application Agreement Consent & Release of Information Form



NOTICE TO APPLICANTS:  The Constitution of It Ain’t Over Ministries specifically states that the Word of God shall be our rule of faith, basis for fellowship, and guide for life; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, until we all come to the unity of the faith once delivered unto the Saints.  Upon this basis, we invite the fellowship and cooperation of everyone whom God calls to labor in His vineyard, and who is walking worthy of his/her calling.  However, in order that we may have a proper record in our files, it will be necessary that you read, agree to, and complete each aspect of It Ain’t Over Ministries Ministerial Licensing & Ordination application process.  Read the following carefully and ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS.  In accepting credentials, the applicant affirms without reservation that he/she understands and agrees to be governed by the Ordination Covenant and By-Laws of It Ain’t Over Ministries so long as his/her Ministerial Licensing & Ordination are to be maintained under the headship of It Ain’t Over Ministries.


Any false information provided by the applicant during the application process will result in the rejection of the application or the automatic forfeiture of the applicant’s credentials.


Having read the Ordination Covenant and all the requirements of this application, I accept and agree to abide by the same as a condition to obtaining and maintaining my credentials.  I further authorize you to contact all persons whom you desire to interview and question about facts concerning my application or my private and public life.  I authorize and direct every person, firm, company, corporation, governmental agency, court, association, church, educational facility, or institution having control of any documents, records, and other information pertaining to me to furnish to It Ain’t Over Ministries any such information, including but not limited to documents, records, or other information regarding charges or complaints of any kind filed against me, formal or informal, pending or closed, and to permit It Ain’t Over Ministries or any of its agents or representatives to inspect and make copies of such documents, records, and other information.  I also agree to execute any new authorization or addendums which may be required by It Ain’t Over Ministries at any time during the term of my credentials.  I further authorize It Ain’t Over Ministries to disclose to the above-described entities any and all information contained in this application or obtained during the application process.


I hereby release, discharge, and exonerate It Ain’t Over Ministries, its agents and representatives and any person furnishing information from any and all liability of every nature and kind arising out of the furnishing or inspection of such documents, records, and other information or the investigations made by or on behalf of It Ain’t Over Ministries including but not limited to negligence, liable slander or any other intentional sort.  It Ain’t Over Ministries shall not be required to verify any information received during the course of its investigations and shall not be liable for acting on the basis of any information which later appears to have been false, inaccurate or incomplete.


The filing of suit against It Ain’t Over Ministries for any reason shall result in the forfeiture of the applicant’s credentials.


I further acknowledge that I am not making application for employment with It Ain’t Over Ministries, and the granting of credentials does not make me an employee of the same.


I have read, fully understand, and agree to the foregoing Authorization and Release of my own free will, act and deed.


Your “Name” appearing here in this section, filled in by you, constitutes your full, unabridged, and legal Signature to not withstand and uphold as making this a Legally Binding Contract in any jurisdiction of any United States of America, Court of Law.