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Our Mission

The Mission of “It Ain’t Over Ministries” is to establish a place of safety, security, hope, wellness, forgiveness, transformation and belonging to the citizens returning to our communities from their time of incarceration. Our goal is to be able to provide temporary housing for the returning citizens who don’t have any type of residential accommodations or support upon being released from jail or prison. We will be providing, not only shelter in a warm, loving, welcoming, and safe environment but will also be providing for the basic needs of each individual. These needs are food, clothing, shelter, toiletries, encouragement, support and other facets of everyday life.


The purpose of “It Ain’t Over Ministries” is to minster to the whole person by embracing them in a loving, non-judgmental environment with the basic everyday necessities toward the end goal of total reentry and rehabilitation. This is done by ministering to the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical aspect and needs of each person on an individual basis. This end goal can only be reached when we, as a community can come together and learn to work together for the good of all. Our goal is to work with local communities, businesses, organizations, churches, charities and law enforcement agencies to be able to provide these needs.


In order to make this program and organization successful, we will be reaching out to the communities for their support in whatever way they may be led, where we establish our housing and residential project and we will work hand-in-hand with law enforcement at all levels to ensure not only the safety of the community but our clients as well. The majority of our clients will be released on some type of community supervision whether it be on parole or probation, and our goal is to work together as each individual need arises to help the client in returning to becoming a productive member of society and to the community to which he/she will return.


We would love to have you join with us to see this Ministry not only to succeed, but to flourish as no other has done before us. The Founding Board Members of It Ain’t Over Ministries have all come from the place of the people who we are reaching out to and will be ministering to, so we know firsthand, from experience the needs that must be met and we can relate to where each client will be in their journey along the way. God, by His Mighty Grace, Mercy, and Power, through His Son Jesus Christ, and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, has brought us out and kept us out and it is this experience that we wish to use to help those coming out behind us.


Again, this can only succeed when we, as a community, come together in unity working as a well-oiled machine, each doing our own part for the reduction of homelessness, helplessness, the prevention of future crimes and the eradicating of the criminal mindset. While at the same time furthering the education, edification, and everlasting value that each person is intrinsically born with. It is with these goals in mind, that we pray you will join in this mission with us and come along side us to work together striving for unity to bring this mission/vision to fruition. We can assure you that your love, time, charity, donations, support, and help will be greatly appreciated and will not go unnoticed.