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Tag: Holy Spirit

365 Ways to Not Fear

In the Holy Bible, there are 365 verses instructing Christians to NOT FEAR, to NOT WORRY, to NOT BE ANXIOUS.  From the book of Genesis to Revelations, God has emphasized this. There is a very good reason for this! Satan uses fear to demotivate us and to ensnare us in his web of lies. He […]


We have this misguided idea of what “church” is supposed to be like, especially those comprising the youngest generations, those who were not around when institutional Christianity at least tried to be more Biblical—tried, not was.  But it was still far better back then than the collection of seeker-friendly, profit-hustling, worldly churches dotting the landscape […]


Ephesians 2:8-9:  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. James 2:14-18:  What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?  Can faith save him?  If a brother […]

30 Years Young for Ministry

My 20s have come to an end recently, and unlike many I do not dread getting older, in fact I find as I age, I am maturing more in spirit. My birthday on this earth may be the day I was born in 1992. But The anniversary of my salvation is age 17, when I […]


Proverbs 4:23-  Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.   The very first word in the above sentence, “keep,” is, in Hebrew, natsar (naw-TSAR), which essentially means “to guard,” according to Strong’s Concordance.  Chances are you have heard this verse quoted at some point, maybe even a […]

(Mindless) Self Indulgence

Dissipation is a word that describes an excess or waste, but biblically is used to describe dissolute lifestyles, there is a life of disorderly conduct such as “wild parties,” and there is a wasteful (life of luxury) which as Christians we are taught to avoid living like either. 1 Peter 4:1-3 teaches– “Therefore, since Christ […]


  As Christians, we are to believe in the Bible—God’s Word—and obey it.  Sadly, in these last days there is a lack of real belief in the Bible.  Polls have been taken which show that those who identify as Christians are taking an increasingly fast and loose approach to Holy Writ.  For some examples, a […]